Friday, July 20, 2012

"Celebrating 2yrs remission!" , "I'm Cured!" .

If only. Lately I've been reading on-line of some great news from fellow survivors and patients. Some have gone into complete remission celebrating five or more years which is just awesome. Then there are others who are celebrating a year of remission.

This is were the thought comes for this current blog post. You see, I have yet to hit a year in remission since 2006 when I was first diagnosed. Twice, I almost made it. went from January to December only to find out I'd relapsed!

Currently I am in Watch and Wait and thus this has been the first time that I have gone more than a year without some sort of treatment, chemotherapy, radiation, bone marrow transplant...etc. Let me tell you, it's a celebration in itself not to have gone straight to treatment upon confirmation of my diagnosis in early 2011. Even though I almost made the decision to go ahead and start treatment right away, I decided to give Watch & Wait a chance. A chance I'm glad I took, because of my side effects and weakness I really don't know how that would have turned out.

So to look back on it all, and to look at those that are celebrating their well deserved remissions and cures, I've decided that I will take a moment to celebrate as well! Even though it's not quite two years of Watch & Wait, I have made it past the one year mark without treatment, and really missed the mark on celebrating that moment back in January.

I celebrate now! I celebrate life and the wonderful accomplishment of going more than one year without any form of treatment.

So to sum things up here, what is a reason to celebrate? Well, you don't really need a reason, all you need is the energy and the spirit to celebrate life. To celebrate your life daily, this is it, there's no going back, there's no re-takes. This is life and this is what you get. So celebrate it on a daily basis and make the most of each day.

Today I celebrate life without treatment, I celebrate life in general, and I celebrate with all those who celebrate with me!


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