Thursday, April 15, 2010

Moving, who knew!

Who knew that after 20yrs in the same place one would accumulate so much! As we are moving from a 2 bdrm home with basement to a 2 bdrm apt. with NO basement it has become quite a challenge to get the basement here at the house emptied out. Seems like every time I make some head way or a space it just keeps getting filled up again.

Brenda has picked up Jason (her son) for the day and he will be going under the house into the crawl space to try and empty it out today. We shall see. I really think or at least hope that once the basement is emptied the rest of the packing should go quickly, or at least that is what I'm thinking!
I'm guessing another week to get things all sorted out with the basement. I try to do at least 1 job every day, however today is going to be a rest day as I woke up with a terribly sore throat, and barely the energy to get out of bed!,

Well that's my world for now. Will keep y'all posted with the moving adventures as they go.

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